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USA Day 1



Savings, flexibility and interoperability: key benefits of new tolling systems in Europe

13 Jun 2022

The generational replacement of the electronic toll system based on DSRC technology with a modern GNSS solution has brought huge savings to the Czech Republic. Operating costs fell by two-thirds, even though the toll road network expanded by 60% to cover highways and lower-class roads. Experience from Slovakia has proven that GNSS tolling is a suitable method for charging of all road types, including urban areas. But what possibilities and bottlenecks have been identified from pilot projects of regional interoperability among Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia compared to the introduction of pan-European interoperability using service providers? This presentation will why:


  • Replacement of old DSRC toll systems may be a way to achieve significant financial savings
  • GNSS tolling is the most suitable for charging of all type of the roads
  • Interoperability using GNSS gives a seamless way for users and reduce burdens