Registration and Breakfast Buffet
Registration and Breakfast Buffet
- Shared Mobility: The rise of ride-sharing and car-sharing services like Uber and Lyft, and their impact on urban transportation and infrastructure
- Electrification: The shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) and the necessary changes in charging infrastructure, incentives, and regulatory frameworks
- Automation: The advent of autonomous vehicles and their potential to revolutionize traffic management, safety, and road usage
- Creates an Advisory Board to provide recommendations related to the structure, scope, and methodology for developing and implementing a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee pilot program.
- Assists with designing and carrying out a public awareness campaign for a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee and pilot test.
- Conducts a National Pilot Test including all 50 States and the territories of Washington DC and Puerto Rico.
- Reports to Congress with pilot test results on HTF revenue generation, stability of funding, ease of administration, resistance to fraud, viable technologies, ease/convenience of operation, equity, privacy, and levels of public acceptance at a national scale.
- Why Metro is studying congestion pricing in LA County
- How pricing combined with reinvestment and assistance programs can ease traffic, speed up buses, reduce pollution and enhance access to opportunity
- Why political buy-in and public support for pricing can be challenging but are critical
- Both require an onboard unit to track vehicle movement and charge appropriate fees. The onboard unit within the vehicles must link to a registered account and individual responsible for payment.
- Reciprocity between State, local transportation providers enable transaction integration.
- Enforcement policies and cost-effective solutions ensure compliance.
- Public education and communication regarding rationale and procedures is essential for acceptance
Outline principles to advance equity in the design and impact of road user charge
Outline community engagement processes in the design and implementation of road user charge
Provide an example of a city that has incorporated these equity principles and processes into their pricing strategy
- Inflationary factors are limiting the ability to build and maintain transportation networks
- Indexing revenue sources to inflation can ensure future funding matches construction costs at the time of delivery
- How to incorporate indexing into a RUC for sustainable transportation funding
Morning Networking Break
Morning Networking Break
How and why DMVs are integral to the success of a RUC program
Stressing the need for interagency cooperation
What considerations to review if looking for a DMV to administer a RUC
- Distance-based charging
- Electronic tolling integrations
- Local option technologies
- Examples from US states that have been successful in their bids
- How to ensure you get the maximum grant possible
- What to do and what not to do
- Exploring the differences and synergies between these systems
- Which is more effective?
- What does a tolling infrastructure that incorporates RUC look like?
Lunch & Networking Break
Lunch & Networking Break
- How have states started their RUC journey?
- What are the pros and cons of different approaches to starting work on RUC?
- How do federal RUC programs influence state choices?
- Exploring how less traditional financing methods can be integrated with traditional public-private partnerships to fund EV charging infrastructure projects
- Understanding how less traditional financing methods could make EV charging infrastructure more accessible across different communities
- Analyzing the role of less traditional financing methods in accelerating the deployment of EV charging infrastructure, particularly in underserved areas
- Lessons learned
- Updated figures
- Planning for the future
- Overview of the scheme
- Pilot conclusions
- Future recommendations
- The latest tolling trends in Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and America
- How EVs are impacting RUCs
- Lessons from around the world
- Why gas taxes are no longer feasible
- Sustainable alternatives to the gas tax
- Public perceptions of Road Usage Charges (RUCs)
Afternoon Networking Break
Afternoon Networking Break
- Why Colorado first turned to tolled lanes
- Colorado's first-of-its-kind system to address safety and toll evasion issues
- Messaging with the public on tolled lanes and safety enforcement
What EV owners are saying about RUC in Hawaii
How public agencies are collaborating for a smooth launch of Hawaii's RUC program
How counties can leverage a state-led RUC program to create a sustainable local revenue stream